25 Year Anniversary - 9th April 2020
We are proud to announce that we have been in business and opened our shop 25 years ago today.
Martin Allen started this company in Windmill Street in Gravesend on the 12th April 1995 with the help of his wife Debbie. Their daughter Amy then was just 4 years old.
This family business has grown and flourished because of Martin's non-pushy approach, fair and honest pricing and no hidden extras. We offer no "fake" sales or "free" fitting. Our team of loyal fitters give an excellent service with high quality, proficient and experienced workmanship.
We have survived major recessions that hit the retail industry hard in the UK that saw a lot of our local competitors close down.
Last year Martin underwent some treatment for cancer but took a minimal amount of time off work as he didn't want to let his customers down. He is recovering well and his positive mindset and strong work ethic means both Martin and Allen Carpets continue to thrive.
We have been forced to close our doors for a bit due to the Covid-19 outbreak and subsequent government lockdown.
This has put our plans on hold for our in-store celebration that we had hoped to have next week.
As soon as it is possible we will reopen and invite you all to celebrate our 25 year Anniversary with an Open day/party in our shop, where you can pop in and say hi and enjoy a glass of bubbly with us
Keep safe everyone and see you all again soon on the other side.
Martin, Debbie and Amy